A Beautiful Mess...is June challenge at Our Creative Corner...here is how Joi described her challenge.....
How about getting messy?? Can you do it with me???
Can you be free and filthy? Are you brave???
I believe YOU can do it... you can create...
A Beautiful Mess
Whether you make a messy looking project or just use 'messy' techniques...
we want to see every inch of your 'Beautiful Mess'!
Can you be free and filthy? Are you brave???
I believe YOU can do it... you can create...
A Beautiful Mess
Whether you make a messy looking project or just use 'messy' techniques...
we want to see every inch of your 'Beautiful Mess'!
Odločila sem se za kolaž.....plasti papirja, barve, teksturne paste in besed....tu in tam...brez odvečnega razmišljanja.....od zmešnjave na mizi...do prelepe zmešnjave na papirju....
I decided for a collage....layers of papers, paint, texture paste and words….here and there….without thinking a lot…from mess on the table…to a beautiful mess on the paper….
As always I would like to invite you to join us in challenge and in a draw for the prize of our sponsor LOST COAST DESIGNS and CARMEN'S VERANDA .....

Na žalost, pa moram povedati, da je to moja zadnja objava za Our Creative Corner....morala sem sprejeti odločitev in zapustiti krasen ustvarjalni team....upam pa, da v prihodnosti najdem čas, da se jim zopet pridružim....hvala Lauri in celotni skupini....krasni ljudje, ki so mi nudili, ne samo podporo pri ustvarjanju, ampak tudi čudovito prijateljstvo....
Unfortunately, I
have to say that this is my last post for Our Creative Corner... I had to make
a decision...I have to leave design team... I hope that in the future I will find the
time to join them again ...thanks to Laura and the whole group ... most wonderful
people who gave me not only support, but also wonderful friendships ....love
Hugs and kisses.....
12 komentarjev:
Čudovit kolaž si naredila, čeprav malo turobnih barv. Kot tvoje razpoloženje? Škoda, da ne boš več sodelovala z OCC, ampak je tvoja odločitev vsekakor na mestu. Bodi fajn!
Love this Anna, geat work!!
Your collage is beautiful. I like the layers and depth. Thank you for sharing!
Absolutely amazing background! I love it!
This is such beautiful mess that I would like it to hang on my wall. Very pretty :)
Where are you? I missed your art...
Just hoping you are okay. We miss your beautiful art - but mostly I just hope that you are well.
Alison x
Alison thank you, I am fine and I miss you too! Unfortunately I didn't sit in my craft room almost for a year...I had to make some changes in my life....hope to be back soon...hugs
Endlich wieder neues von dir, ich freue mich sehr.Wie war es denn auf euren Island Erlebnisreisen in letzter Zeit?Würde mich sehr interessieren.Ganz liebe Grüße Molly
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