Že prejšnji teden mi je čudovita die amelie podarila "Child's shoe - blog award"... to je "nagrada" za novejše bloge in tiste z manjšim številom spremljevalcev. Gre za nekakšno podporo in reklamo. Seveda sem se nagradice zelo razveselila, še posebno zato ker je die amelie zelo talentirana ustvarjalka in je izbrala mene... Hvala die amelie
Z veseljem sprejemen težko nalogo in izberem 5 blogov, seveda se moram držati pravil:
- Izbirate lahko med mlajšimi blogi, z manj kot 200 spremljevalci
- Objavite post o nagradi na svojem blogu
- Objavite povezave do blogov, ki jih želite nominirati in jim tako pomagajte k prepoznavnosti
- Posredujte nagrado 5 blogom in jih o tem obvestite
- Objavite ta pravila v svojem postu
mo art
Julia's Stuff
Pokukajte malo...se splača...
I don’t have time to crafting and posting, but……
Last week I got "Child's shoe - the blog award" that was given to me by lovely die amelie. It is intended to support smaller blogs deserving more attention (what a great idea). It was really lovely suprise for me, even more because I got it from die amelie who is really amazing artist!! Thank you die amelie!
You have to consider some rules:
You have to consider some rules:
- The blog has to be “still in its infancy”, below 200 followers.
- Report about the award on your blog.
- Link the blog of your nominator so he’s getting more attention, too.
- Forward the award to another 5 bloggers and tell them about the nomination.
- Insert these rules into your post.
It was hard to chose, but these are my 5 nominees for the children’s shoe award:
mo artJulia's Stuff
Take a closer look...it`s a lot to see
8 komentarjev:
You deserve this award Ana, your artwork deserves a lot of followers on this great blog!
I myself was so happy to find it, and everytime I'm surprised by your creations!
Hugs, Alie :-)
Ana, hvala za nagrado! Sploh nisem mogla verjet, da prav vidim in sem mogla še enkrat preveriti, če je res:)) Zelo sem počaščena, da si izbrala moj blog, saj zelo cenim tvoja dela in talent!! Se bom potrudila še sama izbrati 5 blogov...Hvala!
Congrats to the award, Ana!
Have a lovely weekend!
Many congratulations Ana and I'm so proud to see my name there - not sure it should be but proud none the less.
I'm not sure what I have to do but I would love to do this. Obviously I have read the post here but I will await further instructions from you!
Thank you so much for believing in my work.
You deserve this award Ana.
I am pround to see my name here
I am going to look to with people i am going to give this award
Greetings Janny
Congratulations on your award! Your truly deserve it. I also want to thank you for your nomination. I am truly humbled, since I so admire your work. Blessings!
Hvala, hvala, hvala... prijetno presenečenje, res... Kar nimam besed. Ob prvi priložnosti razdelim dalje... <3
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