Jutri potujem za Nemčijo, še prej pa bi se rada pridružila mojemu najljubšemu ustvarjalnemu timu pri Our creative corner...mesečni izziv je tokrat "No more shopping sins", Claudia nas izziva, da uporabimo nekaj kar smo kupili davno nazaj, vendar še nismo nikoli uporabili pri svojih kreacijah....Sama sem kumpulzivna kar se tiče nakupovanja ustvarjalnega materiala in imam kar precejšnjo nerabljeno kolekcijo..odločila sem se za Timovo štampiljko in "Alpha parts". Za tole kreacijo sem navdih dobila pri Finnabair, vendar še vedno ostajam v svojih okvirjih, brez barv, ki so sicer tako tipične za Finnabair...pa saj ji tako in tako nisem blizu...
...sem pa zelo uživala v izdelavi in bom vsekakor spet poizkusila!
Hi crafters!
I should pack
right now…tomorrow I will be on my way to Germany....but I have to join my
favourite design team at Our creative corner before…this month challenge is No more shopping sins. Claudia challenges us to use something that we bought long
ago, but never used...I am (like many of you) a compulsive buyer of crafty stuff
and I hoard a collection of non used things...today I choose Alpha parts and
one of the Tim`s stamp (Bitty grunge collection). Journal page is inspired by
fantastic Finnabair, but I am still staying in my comfortable zone, so there is
no colours, which are so typical for Finnabair’s creations...anyway I am far, far away....
...I really enjoy making this page and for sure I will try again!
It was impossible to take a good photo...sorry...

Thank you for visiting!
16 komentarjev:
Wow, gorgeous!!! I love your work!!!
Love that film strip used on your awesome creation, Ana!
(I used it that way too on one of my first art journal pages and just love the kind of "structure" it gives to the whole format). Please, stay within your colour comfort zone - I love it so much! ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your awesome make with us at OurCreativeCorner, my friend!
Claudia x
Wow, it's a fantastic page, Ana... I don't see anything wrong with staying in your comfort zone when it creates artwork this beautiful! Love your use of the letters (I love using them), and it's great to have you play along with us at Our Creative Corner.
Have a great time in Germany!
Alison xx
Oh what a fabulous creation Ana, love how you put this LO together! It might be inspired by Finnabair but it has all of your own special touches. Love how you have put this together, great use of scraps! Thanks for joining us over at Our Creative Corner and I hope that you have lots of fun in Germany!
Such a great page with so many details to admire...great collage with all the mixed media Ana.
Have a good trip and stay in Germany!
Lepo! Zelo lepo!! Polno detajlov in lepa kompozicija:)
Ana, super je tale kompozicija.
Koliko detajlov...res lepo!
Uživaj v Nemčiji!
Kako cudovita in dodelana stran. Prav si je treba vzeti cas in pregledati vse detajle. Res lepo.
Dear Ana, this is really beautiful!
Fantastic creation. Love this:-)
Krasna je. Všeč mi je kako se dopolnjujejo navpični in vodoravni motivi.Barve so pa že itak tvoj prepoznavni znak. Prav predstavljam si vse tvoje slikce na isti steni...mega bi zgledalo. :))
Just WOW, Anina!!
I admire you can use few colors and get such a wonderful result!
I'm pretty sure you loved gelatos when you were in Italy as a child, didn't you? ;-)
I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post
Cardsharing Server
Hallo Ana
Wat een schitterende kaart
Groetjes Gerrie
Oh wow! I adore the way you've used the Alpha parts on this Ana! Great work and I'm so pleased you joined us at Our Creative Corner. Jenny x
Krasno si se poigrala z vsemi dodatki, veliko detailov in oči kar švigajo sem in tja, ker bi rade ujele vse.
Nisem pristašica črne ampak tukaj se zelo lepo poda.
Hi Ana. Late as usual with my comment! This is a fantastic piece of mixed media work and you really don't have to venture into using colour. What you already do is wonderful so why change??! Hope Germany was good.
Thanks for joining us at Our Creative Corner. Juliaxxx
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