Čas za novi izziv pri Our Creative Corner...Candice je izbrala temo za ta mesec, tule je kratek povzetek...
Cigani so popotniki, prodajalci in zbiralci zanimivih, skrivnostnih reči, svobodomiselni boemi,....Izvabite iz sebe divjo in svobodno cigansko naravo in ustvarite izdelek, ki vsebuje vsaj 3 barve iz spodnje fotografije
pa izdelek navdihnjen z odo o ciganski duši spodaj.....
This month's challenge invites you to let us see your gypsy nature.
Gypsies are wanderers, purveyors of exquisite things, mysterious things,
free-spirited bohemians curating the beauty of life and sharing the
wonders with you as the travel along.
So for the challenge let your creativity run wild and free like a gypsy
I want you to create interesting items you might imagine finding at a traditional Gypsy Fayre.
You may create whatever your gypsy heart desires, but it must....
contain at least 3 colours from the featured colour palette

show us how your project is inspired by this gorgeous ode to the gypsy soul!

So craft with the soul of a gypsy and share the wonder with us.
Izziv je ravno pravšen, da vam pokažem stran iz mojega ustvarjalnega dnevnika...stran polno skrivnosti in sanj neke lepe duše...ciganske duše....
For this challenge I decided to show you a journal page....page full of secrets and dreams of beautiful soul...gypsy soul... She had the heart of a hippie, the spirit of fairy, and the soul of
gypsy. She wore flowers in her hair and carried magic secrets in eyes.....
...ona...narisana z akrili, svinčnikom, ogljem in mehkimi pasteli....s prelepim suhim listom v njenih laseh.....-------------------------------------------
....ozadje narejeno z akrili, ogljem, oljnimi pasteli in "tissue" papirjem....polno simbolov, ki opisujejo njeno življenje in sanje....
....background made with acrylic, charcoal,
oil pastels and tissue papers...full of symbols which describe her life and
.....starinski papir in blago, za malo dimenzije......
....old papers and fabric to add some dimension....
....tako, tole je moja interpretacija izziva...pridružite se tudi ve in sodeluje v žrebu za nagrado našega sponzorja Tando Creative....
...so, this is my interpretation of the challenge....join us and participate in the draw for the prize of our sponsor Tando Creative....
6 komentarjev:
Lovely page, Anna!
An amazing journal page Ana - so many wonderful elements and the drawn face is mesmerising! A wonderful take on the challenge. Jennie x
This is just so peaceful but yet makes such a strong statement Ana. What an incredible background - just loved seeing the close ups of the dimension and textures. The fabric and papers add so much. But my favorite part is the leaf on her head - that's just SPLENDID. This is a very serene and beautiful piece of artwork. XXj.
Ana - I loved your journal page when I first saw it but when I had a closer look now at all the details, I was just absolutely drawn into its intricate, delicate beauty. Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful piece for the Gypsy Fayre challenge. Your drawing of the girl is so captivating, how lucky we are that we have you on the team to share your incredible creativity with us. - much love - Candice -
A true artist, the colours just sing to me...LOVE! Ruth xx
Hvala :)
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