31. dec. 2013

Time to say goodbye

Leto gre h koncu in čas je za slovo od 2013.....
Želim se zahvaliti, da ste bile tukaj z mano, zahvaliti  za vse čudovite komentarje in podporo!
Želim vam vse najboljše v 2014! Srečno novo leto!

The year is ending and it’s time to say goodbye to 2013....
I want to thank you for being here with me…thank you for your kind words and thank you for your support!
I wish you all the best in 2014! Happy New Year!

Art journal page-Time is passing by

 Ana K.

15. dec. 2013

Christmas chaos

Pozdravljene drage moje...danes bi vam rada pokazala darilno škatlo-vrečko,ki sem jo naredila iz “ta velike” Gorenjkine škatle...Škatlo sem odrezala in jo oblepila z maskirnim selotejpom in dodala »tissue« papir, nato pa pobarvala z belo akrilno bravo in dodala še malo teksturne paste.....Ko se je vse posušilo sem jo okrasila....jaz ji pravim Božični kaos....
Hello friends....Today I want to show you a gift box-bag I made from (giant) chocolate box…..I cut the box and cover it with masking tape and tissue paper, then I use white acrylic paint and a bit of texture gel at the top of the box.....when everything was dry I decorated the box...I would like to called it Christmas chaos LOL...

From this......
 to this.....

 I would like to enter into:

Hvala za obisk!
Thank you for visiting!