Junk in your Trunk je novi izziv pri Our Creative Corner...Candice je izbrala izziv in je približno takole opisala svoj izziv (za popolen prevod, prosim uporabite Google prevajalnik v desnem zgornjem kotu bloga):
Težko, kaj vržem v smeti, ker sem prepričana, da lahko vse
stvari uporabim pri ustvarjanju…za izziv ustvarite nekaj iz »smeti«…reciklirajte,
predelajte, obdelajte in naredite nekaj lepega, funkcionalnega…lahko
naredite mozaik iz razbitega porcelana, lahko naredite kolaž iz ostankov zavijalnega
papirja, lahko naredite nekaj iz ostankov volne, lahko uporabite zarjavele
ključe ali vijake… skratka ustvarite lahko karkoli, edino pravilo je, da vaš
projekt vsebuje nekaj kar bi sicer romalo v smeti...v svoji objavi
pa napišite kaj ste uporabile….
Tudi jaz zelo težko kaj vržem stran (pa saj smo vse ustvarjalke na istem, kaj ne?)...plastično embalažo, ki jo dobimo z ustvarjalnimi izdelki, lahko pri meni najdete v vsakem predalu...odločila sem se, da predelam plastičen lonček in iz njega naredim darilno škatlico....
I have a hard time throwing out junk because I
am convinced that all things can be upcycled for art, craft and home projects.
Besides all of that, I am sure that all of us have some kind of conscious
desire to do our bit in leaving less of a carbon footprint.
So my challenge to you is to create something
out of any kind of junk and re-fashion it either into something useful,
functional or beautiful for the JUNK IN YOUR TRUNK challenge this month.
I am leaving the challenge open to your
interpretation of what constitutes “Junk” It may mean a set of hideously
patterned china that you want to smash up and a make a mosaic... It may mean
reams of patterned paper you have lying around that you turn into a collage
masterpiece... It may mean doing something with skeins of wool that you
intended to make a a sweater with... It may mean doing something with rusty
keys, nuts and bolts and random pieces of wire that you pick up off the
You can create whatever you want to, however
you want to and with whatever you want to. The only rules are that your project
MUST contain something that you consider Junk that you have reclaimed or
I am
hoarder, too....I can’t throw away those plastic containers that came with crafting
supplies....I decided to recycle small round plastic container and made a gift
Bi rade naredile kaj podobnega....
...tule so hitri koraki skozi ustvarjalni postopek:
1. Očistila sem lonček in zunanjost obdelala z brusnim papirjem. Ta korak vedno naredim pri gladkih površinah, da se barva bolje "prime" in se ne lušči....
2. Lonček sem prebarvala z Gessom in ga nato premazala še s teksturno pasto. Čopič sem dvigala in spuščala-"tapkala", tako, da sem dobila nekakšen razpokan videz. Lonček sem pustila, da se posuši. Ne uporabljajte fena ali vroče pištole,
ker je zaradi "tapkanja" preveč zraka v pasti in se bo le ta napihnila...
3. Vse sem prebarvala s črno akrilno barvo. Ko je bila barva suha, sem narahlo podrgnila površino s pilico za nohte. Lahko uporabite tudi brusni papir, vendar je s pilico lažje kontrolirati pritisk in biti nežen...
4. Pripravila sem dodatke in okrasila lonček. Uporabila sem:
Mini Paper Rosette-Sizzix poštempljana s Tim Holtz
štampiljko iz seta Bitty Grunge, Listi-Prima kovinske šablone, kovinski listi prebarvani s Pitch black Alcohol inkom-Ranger, papirnati cvetni listi, prašniki, leseni krogci, papirnati listi narejeni z žico in papirjem iz stare knjige, ki sem ga prebarvala z Vintage photo in Walnut stain distress inkom, fotografija prelepega mladeniča-Lunagirl je prekrita z Glossy accents, žica, sukanec.
Would you like to do something similar....
....here is quick run through my creative process:
1. I
cleaned the container and used sand paper on the outside of the container. I always use this step for smooth surfaces, so that paint sticks better and to avoid peeling of the paint...
2. I coated container with Gesso. After Gesso dries I applied texture
paste and covered the surface. I moved paint brush up and down, so I got some
kind of crackled look...left to dry...
3. I
painted container with black acrylic paint and when it was dry I use nail pile
and gently smear the surface. Of course you can use a sand paper, but with nail pile you have more control and it`s easier to be gentle...
4. I prepared
the embellishments and decorated container.I used: Mini Paper Rosette-Sizzix stamped with Tim Holtz
stamp from Bitty Grunge set, Leaves-Prima Metal Dies , metal leaves inked with Pitch black Alcohol ink-Ranger,
Paper petals, stamens, wooden circles, paper leaves made with wire and old book
pages, distressed with Vintage photo and Walnut stain distress ink, image of a
beautiful gentlemen-Lunagirl is covered with Glossy accents, wire, thread...
Pridite in se nam pridružite na OCC....naključno izžrebana bo dobila nagrado našega čudovitega sponzorja CraftyIndividuals...lahko pa si zmagovalka, ki ga izbere gostiteljica in boš povabljena, da se predstaviš na OCC blogu...ali pa si izbrana med Top 3 talente...vabljene....
Come and join in the fun at OCC....One of the entries this month will be picked by random.org and they will
receive a generous donated gift from this month sponsor CraftyIndividuals....or you could be our winner chosen by the challenge
host and be invited to be Our Top Talent...or you could be one of our Top Three
and get a badge to display on your blog...
Hvala za obisk...
Thank you for visiting...