1. jun. 2015

What makes you smile

Kaj vam privabi nasmeh na ustnice je naš novi izziv pri Our Creative Corner ... Jan je gostiteljica in je takole opisala svoj izziv :

Za nekaj minut zaprite oči, se sprostite in pomislite na nekaj kar vam pričara nasmeh…….

Lahko je posebna oseba, najljubši kotiček, verz, pripetljaj...seznam je neskončen!

Za junijski izziv naredite nekaj, kar bo nasmejalo tudi nas, scrapbook ali journal stran, platno, tagec, skratka karkoli vam narekuje domišljija. 

 Kot vidite je moj blog malo zapuščen in to zato, ker je moj delovni dan običajno dolg okoli 12 ur...ko jaz zaprem oči, si predstavljam prosti čas...ustvarjanje in predvsem sprehode po gozdu...odločila sem se narediti okvir poln naravnih elementov, ki me spominjajo na moje sprehode, tudi ko nimam časa za njih.....

What makes you smile is our new challenge at Our Creative Corner...Jan is host this month and here is how she described her challenge:

Close your eyes for a few minutes, relax and think about something that makes you smile..............

It could be a special person, a favourite place, a quote, an incident, the list is endless! 

Your June challenge is to create something that will make us smile, it could be a scrapbook or journal page, a canvas, a tag, whatever your imagination dictates.

As you can see my blog is abandoned and that is because my working days are usually about 12 hours long...when I close my eyes, I imagine free time....crafting and especially walks through the forest …that`s make me smile....I decided to make a frame full of natural pieces, which reminds me of my walks even when I don’t have time….
Moj gozdiček v okvirju.....
My little forest in the frame....

Jajčka so narejena iz papirne mase, pošpricana z zelenim inkom in poštempljana s kovinskimi štampiljkami in črnim inkom....
Eggs are made from Paper Mache, sprinkled with green ink and stamped with metal stamps and black ink...

Steklenička napolnjena s polomljeno jajčno lupino, okrašena z rjavo nitjo in Timovimi Remnant Rubs...
Glass vial is filled with broken eggs shell, decorated with brown thread and Tim`s Remnant Rubs...

Zadnjo stran Tissue wrap Melange sem prebarvala z belo barvo, nato prilepila na krogec iz kartona in veščo obrobila z Vintage Photo Distress ink....
The back of Tissue wrap Melange is painted with white paint, glued on the cardboard circle and then traced around moth with Vintage Photo Distress ink....
Kovinski okvir je postaran z rjavim in črnim inkom...leseni krogci so narezani iz veje.....
Metal label holder is distressed with black and brown Alcohol Ink....wooden circles are cut from branch....

List je izrezan s Prima šablono in pobarvan s kavo....cvetovi papirne rožice, lesen krogec, mah...vse prilepljeno z vročim lepilom.....
Leaf is cut with Prima Metal Die and painted with coffee....paper flower petals, wooden circle, moss...all glued with hot glue....

"Okostje" lista in prelepi mah na Manila tagcu.....
Leaf skeleton and beautiful moss on Manila Tag....
Stran iz stare notne knjige in kapljice kave......
Vintage music sheet and splatters of coffee...
Sukanec spet s sponkami, čipka, pergamentni papir in lesen ptiček za piko na i....vse v lesenem okvirju, ki je pobarvan z rjavim lakom in pobrušen s smirkovim papirjem...
Thread attached with staples, lace, vellum paper and wooden birdie for the final touch....all in a wooden frame which is painted with brown varnish and distressed with sand paper.....

To mi pričara nasmeh....kaj pa vam? Kaj vas nasmeji? Se boste pridružile pri Our Creative Corner? Ali bo katera izmed vas morda nagrajenka in bo prejela nagrado našega sponzorja Tando Creative?
This makes me smile....what about you?  What makes you smile? Will you join Us  at Our Creative Corner? Will you be the winner and get the prize from our beautiful sponsor Tando Creative?

Se vidimo!
See you!