A Piece of Paradise je nov izziv pri Simon Monday Challenge Blog...sem skromna oseba in moj košček raja je kar v bližnjem gozdu...poslušanje
ptičkov in listja, ki šelesti v vetru...in nabiranje gobic...
A Piece of
Paradise is the new challenge at Simon Monday Challenge Blog...I am modest
person and for me, peace of paradise is in the nearby forest...listening of birds
and leaves that rustle in the wind...and
collecting mushrooms...
Ker nimam štapiljk z motivom gobic, sem se odločila, da jih bom kar sama narisala...seveda, se zavedam, da nisem ravno talentirana za risanje, ampak vseeno...ustvarjanje naj bi bilo zabavno, kajne?...in res sem se zabavala pri risanju...kartice merijo približno 7 x 11 cm
I don’t
have any stamps of mushrooms, so I decided to draw some...I am aware that I am
not really talented for drawing, but still....crafting supposed to be fun, isn't
it?...and I really had fun drawing these...cards measures approx. 7 x 11 cm
Uporabljeni materiali: bel šeleshamer, Gesso, kava, črnilo, teksturna pasta, svinčnik, sukanec, papirnati listi, leseni krogci,
mah, vintage papir, štampiljke
used: white cardstock, Gesso, coffee, black ink, texture paste, pencil, thread,
moss, paper leaves, wooden circles, old book pages, stamps
Hvala za obisk.....
Thank you for visiting......