Pozdravljene...nov mesec in čas za nov izziv pri Our Creative Corner...ta mesec je izziv pripravila Laurie in izbrala je Obarvaj svoj svet / Color your World...pomlad je lahko drugačna na različnih koncih sveta...Laurie želi, da v svojem izdelku pokažete barve pomladi iz vašega konca sveta...
friends…new month and time for new challenge at Our Creative Corner…this month host is Laurie and she would like to see spring colours...here is how Laurie
described her challenge:
Here in the
United States we are coming into spring - the season when nature comes forth
with new life.
Soft green
grasses grow in the fields and the trees bloom in glorious colors with the
promise of fruit.
Tulips and
daffodils emerge from the soil after a long winters nap.
The colors of
spring, the sights and sounds of nature at this time of the year renews my soul.
In the spring
time the colors of nature are different around the world.
For my
challenge this month I want you to
Color Your
For this
challenge create a project with the colors of spring time where you live.
Show us what
colors renew your soul.
Tukaj, kjer jaz živim, pomlad počasi prihaja, vendar o barvah še ni sledu...amapak, ko pomislim na pomlad, vidim cvetove Magnolije v roza-vijoličnih odtenkih, rumeno sonce, modro nebo in zeleno travo....za korak iz ustaljenih barvnih okvirjev, sem v pomladne barve "oblekla" igralne karte....
Here where I
live is spring on the way, but with not much colours right now...but when I
think about spring, I see Magnolia flowers in pink and purple hues, yellow sun, clear blue sky and
green grass... I took step out of my comfortable colour zone and altered playing cards
with bright spring colours....
Ker so bile karte nove in čisto preveč sijoče, sem najprej uporabila brusni papir. Dodala sem "tissue" papir in nanesla teksturno pasto. Z akvarelnimi barvicami sem dodala moje barve pomladi in nadaljevala s štempljanjem...
Because cards were new and too shiny, I started with grinding playing cards with sand paper. Then I added tissue paper and texture paste. I coloured cards with watercolours and stamped....
Ker sem hotela, da je očitno, da so to igralne karte, sem nekaj kotov pustila nepokritih.....številke se še vidijo....
I wanted that is obviously that this are playing cards, so I didn’t cover all corners...numbers are still visible....
Nato sem začela z okraševanjem...uporabila sem plastične kapljice, cvetne prašnike....
Then I decorated cards with different embellishments
...I used plastic drops, flower stamens....
...pobarvana kovinska kolesca in sukanec...
...painted metal gears and thread...
...mikro perlice....
....micro beads....
...cvetne liste....
....flower petals....
... stare fotografije...
...vintage images...(Vintage everyday, Just something I made)
...nekaj detajlov s črnim markerjem in škropljenja....
...doodling here and there and some ink splatters....
Kako se vam zdi?...Upam, da ste dobile vsaj malo navdiha in se nam pridružite na Color your World izzivu...ne samo zaradi zabave, ampak tudi zaradi odlične priložnosti, da dobite darilni bon v vrednosti 25$ od našega čudovitega sponzorja Creative Embellishments....
What you think?....Well, hope
you got some inspiration and will join us at Color your World challenge ...not
just for fun, but also because of wonderful opportunity to win $25 gift
certificate from our fabulous sponsor, Creative Embellishments....
Se vidimo....
See you....