1. jan. 2016

Make time

Lep novoletni pozdrav....Vsem želim srečno, zdravo in predvsem kreativno 2016!

Prvi dan novega leta je ravnopravšnji za začetek novega kreativnega popotovanja z OCC! Claudia nas je presenetila s čudovitim izzivom:
Hey friends...it’s New Year....wish you all happy, healthy and creative 2016!

The first day of the new year is perfect to start creative journey with OCC! Claudia surprised us with great challenge:

Why not promise something good to yourself for the new year's start?

To make more quality time for yourself for example and spend it doing what you love? Creative time is quality time if you listen to your inner voice and follow your own speed instead of listening to the clock ticking and reminding you of deadlines or other duties. Other work will be done so much easier (and faster) after some recreational me-time as it will have fueled up your energy! 

So escape the endless circling and rushing and get yourself in the right mood for some me-time...The mood board we have in store for you could be a good start.

Claudia challenges you to enjoy what you see and let yourself be inspired by it. There is no precise theme to narrow your creativity down - just the colours, shapes, directions, textures and hints of possible themes.

Vedeževalec je bila moja prva misel, ko sem videla znake zodiaka na fotografiji....dodala sem še barvno kombinacijo in naredila tale mali magnet...
Fortune teller was my first thought when I saw zodiac signs on photo…I added colour combination to my idea and created this little fortune teller magnet....

Tule so hitri koraki skozi kreativni proces:
1.    Kovinske delce sem pobarvala s črnim alkoholnim inkom in postarala z brusnim papirjem…
2.    Filigree-je in zamašek sem razporedila enako kot v tem postu....
3.    Dodala sem še papir v roza-naravni barvi in pobarvano sisal volno...
4.    Glavo lutke sem prilepila na vrh urnega kolesca....
5.    Na zadnjo stran sem prilepila magnet...

Here are quick steps how I made it:
1.    I coloured metal pieces with black alcohol ink and disstresed them with sand paper…
2.    I arrange filigrees and bottle cup the same way I described in this post....
3.    I added paper in natur-pink colour and coloured sisal wool...
4.    I glued head of broken doll on top of the gear....
5.    I glued magnet on the back...

To je torej moj doprinos k prvemu izzivu tega leta...upam, da vam je všeč!
So this is my contribution to our first challenge this year...hope you like it!
Seveda tudi letos nudimo nagrade...sponzor tega meseca je Creative Embellishments z bonom v vrednosti  25$....
Of course we offer prize for you...this month sponsor is Creative Embellishments with 25$ voucher....

Upam, da se vidimo na OCC...čavči!
Hope to see you at OCC....hugs!

28. dec. 2015

Love For Everyone

Ljubezen za vse je moja novoletna želja...lepo praznujte!

Love for everyone is my wish for New Year...happy celebrating!

VLV stamps from sets 1443 and 1440

Pošta, črte in siva so bile moj navdih za tole kuverto, ki sem jo naredila za decembrski izziv pri Viva Las VegaStamps...
Mail, stripes and grey inspired me to make this envelope for Viva Las VegaStamps December challenge...
