11. feb. 2013

Love nest

Kaj naj rečem, ..... ja, še ena knjigica! Ljubezensko gnezdece je še ena majhna knjiga, ki meri 8 cm x 10, 5 cm. Platnice so narejene po enakem postopku, kot prejšnji dve - karton, barve, embossing prah.. Gnezdece je zelo preprosto narediti: zmešaš lepilo in malo vode, dodaš lesne opilke in dobro premešaš. Daš vse skupaj v model za muffine (ali skodelico) in pustiš čez noč. Ko je gnezdece suho dodaš malo vate in to je to! Srček sem naredila z Utee-jem, pobarvala najprej z belo Distress crackle barvo, nato pa še z distress inki.
What should I say.....yes, it’s another book! Love nest is another small book, which measure 8 cm x 10, 5 cm. Covers are made by same procedure like previous two – cardboard, colours, embossing powder. Nest is pretty simple to make: mix glue and a bit of water, add wood wool and mix well. Put everything in muffin mould (or cup) and leave over night to dry. After drying add some cotton wool and you are finish! Heart is made with Utee, coloured with Distress crackel paint - Picket fence and distress inks.

Izdelek prijavljam na:
I am entering my Love nest into:
Craftalnica – Ljubezen je v zraku :the only Slovenian challenge blog, with theme Love is in the air
Simon says stamp and show – Something messy
