Glede na to da nisem dobila veliko priložnosti videti kreacije drugih, sem bila prav vesela za swap s Claudio- die amelie. Sicer je tole moj drugi swap ampak prvi je še vedno na poti iz daljne Amerike in jaz nisem mogla čakati, da vam pokažem kaj sem dobila. S Claudio sva se odločili za »anything goes« tag in tukaj je njena čudovita kreacija.
I was lucky enough to get the chance to swap with Claudia - die amelie from Austria. This is my second swap, but first one is still on the way so package from Vienna came first and I could not wait to show you what I got. We both agree that anything goes tag will be perfect and here is her beautiful tag.
Zelo, zelo všečen tag s fantastičnem ozadjem in malimi detajli. Super je občutek tole držati v rokah, ko pa običajno občudujemo samo fotke. Claudia je obljubila objavo z navodili kako ga je naredila, zato najbolje, da skočite pogledati na njen blog Von Pappe II.-------------------------------------------------------------
I totally love it...fantastic background and beautiful details. She promises to show tutorial for this tag, so pop over to her blog Von Pappe II to take a closer look.
Ampak to še ni vse...poleg taga mi je poslala še luštno knjigico, ki jo je naredila in še nekaj dobrot.
And this is not all...she put some extras in the package and a stunning book she made...she is really stamping queen and I love her style...unique and very creative....
Tole pa je tagec, ki sem ga naredila jaz:
And this tag I made for her:
Claudia thank you very much for playing with me!!