Pozdravljene....danes bi vas rada povabila na septemberski izziv pri OCC....Julia je gostiteljica izziva ta mesec in izbrala je ravno pravšnjo temo za september:
Rada imam barve jeseni! Lepe in dramatične, rdeča, rumena, zlata, rjava, zelena in vsi odtenki vmes. Za inspiracijo uporabite spodnjo sliko in naredite jesensko navdihnjen izdelek.
Hi friends....today I want to invite you to
our September challenge...Julia is our host this month and she chose perfect
theme for September:
I love the colours of autumn! Those
beautiful and dramatic reds, golds, yellows, browns, greens and all shades in
between. Your challenge this month is to take some inspiration from the colours
in the image provided and make an autumnal inspired project.
Jesenski dnevi so lahko sončni in svetli ali deževni in sivi, amapk v obeh primerih lahko vidimo prekrasno listje, ki "kuka" od vsepovsod...Navdihnjena z zgornjo sliko in deževnimi dnevi sem naredila malo kartico....
Autumn days can be sunny and bright or
rainy and grey, but in both cases you can see those beautiful leaves popping
out everywhere... Inspired by the leaves and grey, rainy autumn days I made a
little card....
Tule so kratka navodila:
Sliko odrežite (vir slike) na željeno velikost in jo narahlo podrgnite z brusnim papirjem. Premažite z Mod Podge in pustite, da se posuši. Nenačrtno poštempljajte sliko in jo postarajte s kavo. Dodajte ostanke tkanine, čipke in "okostje" lista, nato pa okrasite z lesenimi perlami in plastičnimi listi. Tu in tam dodajte mah, ki ste ga pobarvale z rdečo tinto...in končano!
Here is short how to:
Cut image (image source) on desire size and
lightly distress it with sand paper. Coat it with Mod Podge and leave to dry.
Randomly stamp on it and distress it with coffee. Add scrap of fabric, lace and
skeleton leaf, then embellish with wooden beads and plastic leaves. Here and
there add some moss which you colour with red ink....and done!
Kot običajno imamo tudi ta mesec sponzorja, Creative Embellishments srečnemu izžrebancu nudi bon v vrednosti 25$....
As always we have sponsor, Creative Embellishments are offering the random prize winner a $25 voucher to spend at
their store....