3. jan. 2015
1. jan. 2015
Christmas Leftovers
Srečno novo leto drage moje!
Ravno pravšnji čas za nove začetke in za nov izziv na Our Creative Corner ...Pamellia je gostiteljica mesečnega izziva in želi videti, kaj boste naredile z
....ali ni to čudovita tema za januarski izziv!?
Tole sem naredila jaz....
Happy New year my Dear friends!
This is the perfect time for new beginnings and perfect time for a new challenge at Our Creative Corner...Pamellia is the host of this month challenge and she want to see what you will make with
....isn’t this just perfect theme for January challenge!?
Here is my make....
...za darilo sem dobila bombone, ki so bili v tej prelepi embalaži....bomboni so bili super, ampak mislim, da sem se bolj razveselila pločevinke :) .... ideje, kako jo uporabiti so takoj prišle na dan in odločila sem se, da napravim dekoracijo za Valentinovo.....
Upam, da ste dobile vsaj malo ustvarjalnega zanosa.... in se nam boste pridružile na Christmas leftovers izzivu....morda bo katera izmed vas zmagovalka in bo dobila priložnost, da se predstavi na OCC blogu... ali pa bo katera izmed vas dobila nagrado od našega sponzorja Nicecrane Designs...lepo vabljene!
I hope you got some inspiration.... and you will join us at Christmas leftovers challenge...maybe you will be a winner and will get a chance to be spotlighted on OCC blog... or you will be a randomly chosen winner and will get a prize from our sponsor Nicecrane Designs...welcome!
Ravno pravšnji čas za nove začetke in za nov izziv na Our Creative Corner ...Pamellia je gostiteljica mesečnega izziva in želi videti, kaj boste naredile z
svoje Božične Ostanke. Darilni papir, prazne role od darilnega papirja,
darilne vrečke ali škatle, "tissue" papir, trakove,...
Za samo kreacijo ne rabite uporabiti božično tematiko, mora pa biti božičen, izdelek, ki ga boste uporabile pri kreaciji.
....ali ni to čudovita tema za januarski izziv!?
Tole sem naredila jaz....
Happy New year my Dear friends!
This is the perfect time for new beginnings and perfect time for a new challenge at Our Creative Corner...Pamellia is the host of this month challenge and she want to see what you will make with
Recycle your
Christmas garbage. Gift wrap, empty gift wrap rolls, gift bags, gift
boxes, tissue paper, ribbon...etc.
The project
itself doesn't have to have a Christmas theme, just the items to use to make
....isn’t this just perfect theme for January challenge!?
Here is my make....
...za darilo sem dobila bombone, ki so bili v tej prelepi embalaži....bomboni so bili super, ampak mislim, da sem se bolj razveselila pločevinke :) .... ideje, kako jo uporabiti so takoj prišle na dan in odločila sem se, da napravim dekoracijo za Valentinovo.....
...I got a
bunch of candies in this beautiful tin, which I thought is perfect to
alter...and I decide to make a Valentine's Day decoration....
Tule je ustvarjalni postopek:
sem eno polovico pločevinke (tisto z ravnim dnom) in jo zdrgnila z
brusnim papirjem, da se je kasneje barva dobro prijela. Zunanjost sem
pobarvala, najprej s črno, nato pa še z belo akrilno barvo. Na zgornji
rob pločevinke sem nalepila vrv. Timov Metal Word Band sem pobarvala s Picket Fence Distress Stain in ga nalepila na pločevinko...
Notranjost pločevinke sem zapolnila z gobo za ikebane...najbolje jo je kar zalepiti, da ostane vse stabilno in na mestu....
3 mm debele lesene plošče sem, z ročno žago, izrezala srce. Ko sem
zbrusila robove, sem ga pobarvala, najprej s črno, nato pa še z belo
akrilno barvo. Kot ponavadi sem morala narediti še nekaj prask, da sem
dobila bolj starinski videz.....
špino sem pobarvala na belo in okoli nje navila žico. Z vročim lepilom
sem dodala srce in okrasni trak. Špino sem porinila v gobo za ikebane in
vse prekrila z mahom.....
....in gotovo...super enostaven in lep okras....
Here is my
creative process:
I took one
half of a tin (I choose the one with flat bottom) and I rub a surface with
sandpaper, so the paint "stuck" well. Outside of the tin is painted,
first with black and then, with white acrylic paint. Then I took a rope and
glued it around the top of the tin....I smeared Tim`s Metal Word Band with
Picket Fence Distress Stain and attached it to the tin with hot glue....
Inside of
the tin is filled with ikebana sponge (sorry, I don’t know if this is the right
English word...probably not, but I meant the green sponge which is used for
flower arrangement)...it’s the best to glue it, to make the whole piece more
I took a
3 mm thick wooden piece and using hand saw I cut a heart. I rub the edges with
sandpaper and painted it, first with black and then, with white acrylic paint.
As always I had to make some scratches, to rich a vintage look....
I used
wooden stick and painted it on white. I wrapped wire around it and with hot
glue attached the heart on one end...I also added some crinkle ribbon, to make
the whole thing more interesting and dimensional....I pushed the stick in the sponge
and cover everything with moss...
....and it’s done....easy, peasy, beautiful home
Upam, da ste dobile vsaj malo ustvarjalnega zanosa.... in se nam boste pridružile na Christmas leftovers izzivu....morda bo katera izmed vas zmagovalka in bo dobila priložnost, da se predstavi na OCC blogu... ali pa bo katera izmed vas dobila nagrado od našega sponzorja Nicecrane Designs...lepo vabljene!
I hope you got some inspiration.... and you will join us at Christmas leftovers challenge...maybe you will be a winner and will get a chance to be spotlighted on OCC blog... or you will be a randomly chosen winner and will get a prize from our sponsor Nicecrane Designs...welcome!
28. dec. 2014
I have some great news to share
Pozdravljene drage moje....vem, da sem bila letos zelo slaba prijateljica in blogerka in to je tudi eden od razlogov, da sem sprejela Laurino povabilo, da se pridružim ustvarjalnemu timu na Our Creative Corner blogu....ja, čudovite novice!!! To pomeni, da ne bom samo ustvarjala, ampak bom vsaj enkrat na mesec tudi objavljala, tu in na OCC....upam, da boste našle čas in se nam pridružile na izzivih... ali pa samo pokukale in morda našle navdih za ustvarjanje...
Hello dear friends...I know that I have been very bad friend and blogger this year and this was one of the reasons that I accept Laura’s invitation to join Design team at Our Creative Corner...yes, exciting news!!! That means that I will not only create, but also saying hello here and at Our creative Corner at least once per month....hope you will find the time to join our challenges or just stop by, maybe get some inspiration...
...za današnjo posebno objavo sem pripravila izdelek, katerega navdih sem našla v prelepem reklu...
....for this special announcement I prepared a little project, inspired with a beautiful quote....
....for this special announcement I prepared a little project, inspired with a beautiful quote....
...tukaj je postopek izdelave, če želite narediti kaj podobnega:
1. Iz modelirne mase oblikuj srce. Ko se posuši, srce pobarvaj z akrilno barvo in naredi nekaj prask, da dobiš starinski videz. Srce ovij z žico in nanj nalepi besedo "beauty".
2. Izreži škatlico z "Matchbox" šablono in jo sestavi. Škatlico pobarvaj z akrilno barvo. Notranjost škatlice obloži s povojem, zunanjost pa ovij s tanko žico.
3. Izreži nekaj različnih koščkov tkanine in čipke, ter jih zlepi ali sešij skupaj. Dodaj srce in nekaj perlic, nato pa vse skupaj prilepi na pokrov škatlice.
4. Še mini knjigica.... iz tršega papirja izreži pravokotnik, malo manjši kot je škatlica. Skozi šablono dodaj teksturno pasto, pusti da se posuši. Pobarvaj z akrilno barvo in ko je barva še mokra, narahlo obriši z "baby" robčki. Na drugo stran nalepi poštempljan papir. Pravokotnik prepogni, tako da dobiš platnice.
5. Izreži nekaj papirčkov, enake velikosti kot so platnice. Prepogni napol in na eni polovici naredi luknje. Pobarvaj oziroma naredi madeže s kavo in postaraj robove. Strani prilepi v platnice.
6. Okrasni notranjost z mini rožico in perlicami, ter dodaj reklo.
...here are the steps, how to ... if you want to do something similar:
1. Make a heart of plaster. After its dry, paint it
with acrylic paint and make some scratches to get nice old look. Wrap the heart with wire and glue “beauty“
word on it.
2. Use matchbox die and cut the shape
of cardstock. Compose the box and paint it with acrylic paint. Put bandage
inside of the box, wrap the wire around the cover.
3. Cut few pieces of different fabric
and lace. Glue or stitch them together, add heart and some beads. Glue everything on
the box cover.
4. For a little book... cut rectangle
from cardstock, a little bit smaller than the matchbox. Apply texture paste
with stencil and after drying paint everything with acrylic paint. When the
paint is still wet, gently wipe the access with baby wipes. Glue the piece of
stamped paper on the other side. Fold the cardstock so you get the book cover.
5. Cut few pieces of paper, the same
size as book cover. Fold on half and
make holes on one half. Stain with coffee and distress the edges. Glue pages to the book cover.
6. Embellish inside of the book with
little flower, beads and a beautiful quote.
used: cardstock, paper, fabric, lace, Dina Wakley stamp-Lonely Girl (just part with
text), Tim Holtz die-Matchbox, acrylic paints -white and dark brown, paper
flower, wire, bandage, beads, Rayher
Structural paste, Archival ink -Jet black, Memory box stencil-Raymelle
Vabim vas na Our Creative Corner, da spoznate še ostale članice ustvarjalnega tima...nekaj novih in nekaj starih....verjemite, ne boste razočarane....
I would
like to invite you at Our Creative Corner to meet also other Design Team Members...some new and some old...believe me, you will not regret.....
Happy crafting!Veselo ustvarjanje!
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