9. okt. 2015

Journaling with Tim

Pozdravljene....Danes z vami delim lepe novice, sem namreč gostja na A Vintage Journey blogu....če katera še ne pozna AVJ, priporočam obisk...zelo nadarjen ustvarjalni tim, ki inspiracijo išče predvsem pri Timu Holtzu oz. v njegovih izdelkih....

Temo za tokratni izziv je izbrala Alison - Journaling with Tim....odločila sem se narediti platnice za moj novi dnevnik.....
Hi friends....Today I am really exciting, as I am a guest at A Vintage Journey blog...If there is still somebody who doesn’t know AVJ, I recommend popping over and meeting very creative team, who is inspired by Tim Holtz technique and products.... 
This month Alison hosting the challenge and she chose the theme - Journaling with Tim....

Journaling is all about having fun, trying new techniques and maybe trying something out of our comfortable zone....I have some journal books lying on my desk, but I needed one more. AVJ challenge is perfect to make covers for new journal book...

Najprej sem papir prebarvala z Gessom, nato pa nanj prilepila koščke "Melange tissue" papirja. Nadaljevala sem z "embossing resist" tehniko, ki jo je Tim večkrat uporabil na svojih tagih...uporabila sem štampiljko iz seta Steampunk in prozoren embossing prah. Ko se je ozadje ohladilo sem dodala še nekaj odtisov iz seta School desk in Curiosity. Nato sem vse prebarvala z mešanico Distress stain – Broken China in vode, vendar mi efekt ni bil všeč (čisto preveč modro zame) in sem zopet vse prebarvala s kavo. 
I started creating background with Gessoing paper. I torn and glued pieces of Melange tissue paper. Then I continue with heat embossing resist techniques, which Tim used few times on his famous tags...I used stamp from Steampunk set and clear embossing powder. When background cooled, I decided to add more stamped images; I used stamps from School Desk and Curiosity sets. Then I mixed Distress stain – Broken China with water and painted surface. I didn’t like it, as I thought I will so I painted over with coffee. 
Modra barva je ostala vidna okoli embossiranih odtisov, jaz pa sem dodala še malo zelene s Crushed Olive Distress inkom.
 Blue colour was still visible in few places around embossed images and I added also some green with Crushed Olive Distress ink.

Končno zadovoljna z lepim, dinamičnim ozadjem sem se odločila okrasiti platnico. Ker je to moj četrti dnevnik, sem se odločila izrezati 4 otroke (žal je mali pobček moral iti) iz Found Relatives kartic. Robove sem "podistressala" z Vintage Photo Distress inkom in dodala Remnant Rubs - Botanical. Otroke sem prilepila na ozadje in dodala ostanke papirja, čipke in listje izrezano s Spring Greenery Sizzlits Strip šablono. Ker dnevnik ne bi bil popoln brez nekaj besed sem dodala še Small Talk nalepke.
Satisfied with beautiful, dynamic background I decided to embellish the front cover. As this is my fourth journal I chose to cut out four kids (sorry for the little boy, he have to go) from Found Relatives Cards. Edges were distressed with Vintage Photo Distress Ink and added Remnant Rubs - Botanical. I glued kids to the background and added pieces of vintage paper, lace and leaves cut with Spring Greenery Sizzlits Strip. Journal book cover wouldn’t be perfect without some inspiring words, so I added Small Talk sticker. 
Platnice sem nalepila na karton in naredila luknje za vezavo. Odločila sem se za preprosto vezavo, saj mi to omogoča dodajanje novih strani.
Happy with results I glued covers to the cardstock and made holes for binding. I chose simple ribbon binding, which is perfect because allow me to take pages out when needed.

Upam, da vam je všeč!
Hope you like it!