29. avg. 2014

Little Witch

Ko sem videla tokratni izziv na Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blogu, sem najprej mislila narediti nekaj s kraft papirjem…ampak to bi bilo preveč enostavno…zakaj ne bi naredila nekaj drugačnega…nikoli nisem naredila nič na temo Noč čarovnic in na žalost tudi nimam pravega materiala…pa sem uporabila domišljijo…

...tukaj je…moja temnejša stran in mala čarovnica…


When I saw this week challenge at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog I thought to do something with Kraft paper...but this would be too easy… why not take a step out of my comfortable zone…I have never done something with Halloween theme and unfortunately I don’t own »Halloween supplies”...so I had to use my imagination…

...here it is...my darker side and a little witch…

…pajki so narejeni z malimi obeski, žico in vročim lepilom…
...spiders are made with mini pendants, wire and hot glue…

…zrklo je pravzaprav lesena kroglica z malo barve….
..eyeball is actually wooden ball with some paint...
Upam, da vam je všeč...
Hope you like it...

19 komentarjev:

Dorthe pravi ...

Wow, your maison, is fantastic Ana, what a wonderful witchi girl, and you filled all the rooma in her house, with scary things !! Love it.

cebelica pravi ...

Tvoja domišljija pa resnično ne pozna meja. Čeprav nisem ravno navdušena nad čarovnicami, pajki in drugimi strašljivimi stvarmi, moram priznati, da tole izgleda naravnost fenomenalno! xx

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art pravi ...

How sweet!!
I like the spiders, too.....it's a cool image.

Sylwia-eR pravi ...

Justamazing ...I love yours eyeball..Not only of course...

Sylwia-eR pravi ...

Justamazing ...I love yours eyeball..Not only of course...

Sylwia-eR pravi ...

Justamazing ...I love yours eyeball..Not only of course...

*Urška* pravi ...

Hudo lepo in domiselno.

Anita Houston The Artful Maven pravi ...

SPOOKY COOL!!! I love the photo in the center surrounded by all the halloween goodies! Great vintage feel too!

crafty creations pravi ...

Hiya Ana and wow what a great piece of artwork - so many elements added brilliant

x Hilda

Mines up now

Ruth pravi ...

How fabulous Ana, love the spiders they are brilliant! Lovely little witch project! Ruth x

Silvia(Barnie) pravi ...

Wow, that's a breathtaking piece of art.

Candy C pravi ...

Ana...I love your art! Everytime I come here, I am just in awe! Your latest post...the little witch is absolutely so creative! I love your spiders...so clever. Your eyeballs are beautifully done (if scary eyeballs can be beautiful) haha. This entire piece has such a fun yet spooky vintage feel to it. I always enjoy your vintage work because it is filled with such special little details and always perfection! Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. I totally love hearing from you. <3 Candy

Klara pravi ...

Grozno...ja, prav grozno lepa je ta tvoja stvaritev. ;))
Ana, res ne vem kje dobiš navdih in ideje. Tejle pajkci so megastični. In prav vsaka malenkost je dodelana v nulo. Kot iz prave grozljivke. ČU-DO-VI-TO! :))

MAXymalnie Papierowo pravi ...

Your little witch house does a great impression! It looks great!
I admire ...
Great idea with the implementation of spiders and eyeball!

Anna-Karin pravi ...

This is so cool!! Love how you made the spiders and the eye, very clever. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!!

Marie Lost Bird Studio pravi ...

Simply spooktacular - love it.
XO Marie

Alie Hoogenboezem-de Vries pravi ...

Such a great altered box Ana...and your idea for making the spiders and the eyeball is stunning!
Awesome make!
greetings, Alie :-)

Brenda Brown pravi ...

What a wonderful imagination you have and such a creative way to make your embellishments. Love this Ana.
hugs Brenda xx

sarascloset pravi ...

Congratulations on the Spotlight win at Simon Says Stamp! So well deserved! I love that you were able to create this without Halloween "supplies". Who needs "supplies" when you have such a great imagination--love what you did with the spiders and eyeball. This entire piece is so creative! Love it!