Pozdravljene drage moje...tole je še en poskus stopiti izven
ustaljenih okvirjev…več barv in brez truda, da bi bilo vse simetrično...sem
zadovoljna z rezultati...
Hi friends...this
is another attempt to step out of the comfort zone...more colours and I did not
try to make everything so symmetric....I am happy with results...
Uporabljeni materiali: Razglednice-Fuzzimo,
skupinska slika -JSIM, hrbtišče Found
Relatives kartic, Tissue wrap-Melange, za ostale papirje
ne vem od kod so - žal, rdeč sukanec, del Dina Wakley
štampiljke, črna »ball
Products used: Postcards-Fuzzimo,
group photo –JSIM, back off the Found relatives, tissue wrap-melange, for other
papers have no idea-sorry, red thread, part of Dina Wakley Stamp, black ball
Hvala za obisk.....
Thank you for visiting......
15 komentarjev:
And happy you should be, Ana!
These are lovely! Totally different from what you usually do, but still YOU! Love these!
Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog! Hope you are doing fine!!!
Claudia x
You're good in colours too Ana...your makes look very artistic...perfect!
Thanks for your kinds comments too!!
Have a great weekend, Alie xxx
Včasih je dobro stopiti iz svojih okvirjev in poskusiti kaj novega.Super si tole izvedla.
They are wonderful Ana, the colours from the old stamps looks fantastic, and I love all the writing, did you that yourself? it does not look like a stamp !!
They are beautiful also because of the white/black backgrounds ,and then the added few lovely colours !
xo, Dorthe
This is fabulous ... all are fabulous.. very expressive and all have this special beauty that is in all your creations...
I think this is LOVE what it makes so very special in all your makes!
Loving your different style here Ana.
Have a nice weekend.
Julie x
Wow Ana these are fantastic designs, so different but do exciting too. Love them.
Hugs Brenda xxx
Great designs, Ana! Those pieces are really fantastic, I adore all images.
Hugs, Mar
Very cool and super creative. Love the stitching!
Gorgeous mail art...love to see what you are creating next:)
Gaby xo
A bit late in visiting, love this mail art, fab use of butterfly and love the colours used! Ruth x
Gorgeous Ana! I love your move to the colour. Wonderful design too.
Have a good weekend.
Julia x
Your mail art is so cool! Love it!!
You really are quite brilliant with the way you compose your pieces. This mail art is some of the best I've ever seen! Jenny x
I loved looking at these! WHAT FUN!
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